Sunday, August 31, 2008

short episodes

here are a bunch of totally unconnected short verses. i cud not think of a name for each n everyone so it's a collections called SHORT EPISODES.

A form of expression
A language with no words
A art, a talent
From the sexy salsa to the classy classical
It speaks to us.
We weep, we laugh
We're left speechless.
Desires within are expressed
Thoughts are put forward
Morals and stories brought to the front
Dance.. one word says it all.

The discovery of the self is always through the eyes of another
What you are is not always what you see.
Isn't it funny how little we know ourselves and you know others even less.
And yet we claim to "understand" each other.

There is always a twinge of sadness
As the train pulls away with our near and dear ones
And joy as it brings out loved ones
With goodies and more
The shrill of the whistle brings a thrill
As the train moves, each journey, good memories.

Its about conversations without a reason
Going out to celebrate without a cause.
Its about knowing someone is upset even if they don't tell you.
Sharing joy as well as sorrow.
Its not about being there only when a person needs you
But even when they don't.

The only thing that is always with us is our loneliness.
Our comfort we must find in ourselves.
We seek solace in solitary.
Nobody stays forever.
Words are just words.
After the laughter and tears comes silence
So loud that it is piercing.

So wrapped up in our own confused lives
We turn a blind eye to those around us
And fail to see that we're all in this together
No one can survive alone
Everyone needs friends.


Chaioholic said...

Lovely simply lovely.Do u Salsa????

P.S said...
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P.S said...

Finnally al those verses in ur cel in the blog.. but it sounds great .. surely the best article of urs..

Kavya said...

the last two verses are so contradictory!! I'm assuming that these were written at different times... I mean, not at one go!! Then it makes sense!

Chaioholic said...

Well thnx for droppin by.Jus for you-

See if it wud interest you....

Unknown said...

The friendship thingy is cool..