Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lamentations of a 27 year old.

There are days, and then there are DAYS! Some days I wake up with a smile, no puffy eyes and beautiful skin that is glowing (probably because of the dream last night). And then there are days when I get up to see my face in the mirror, see wrinkles on the forehead, crows feet, and one more white hair than what was seen the night before. I really don't know how white hair just springs up overnight. It is truly amazing. But ageing is not my biggest worry. It has to happen at some point and well, more white hair, more wisdom, right?

Then there is the pangs I feel when I see my closest friends get married. No I'm not really worried that I'm not even engaged, but what if my married friends only want to hang out with other married friends because I don't have a mother-in-law/ sister-in-law worth bitching about? There is also this problem of distance because these married people just move away to other countries. That is also not my biggest worry.

Who am I? That is a question I found an answer to some time ago. A 27 year old with a 16 year old inside who loves to dance, cry, laugh, flirt, eat, fight and basically live life as an independent woman. So  no, I am not worried about soul searching. Kind of need to have a soul for that first. But we'll get to that later.

What worries me the most is what do I want from my life? If I was to make a list, this is what it would sound like.
I want a job that pays a truckload of money, but I also want job satisfaction. I want to feel happy that I am giving back to society. I want to dance and learn to play the drums. I want to study further and maybe do P.h.D. I want to have a social life. I want friends and time to have tea with them (coffee gives me acidity).
I want to make a difference in the lives of those I teach. I want to shop till I drop. I want fame and glory in small way, maybe just  Page 3 worthy types. I want anonymity to be able to talk about whoever and whatever. I want to be a hero, the Ironman, sorry sorry, Ironwoman of today. I want to an iron hearted woman as well unperturbed by the emotions I feel. I want to write and read and blog. I want to be a makeup artist and a choreographer. I want to be a party planner and also to bake cakes. I want to travel and see the sights of Italy and Rome. I want to hike to the top of the mountains (but not swim to the deep seas. Scared of water). I want to love without the fear of being hurt (like that's possible). Ok lets, scratch from the list. I want to try making some exotic recipes (vegetarian only).
In simple terms, I want everything in the 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year that I get. So TIME is what I want the most.
I want to live each moment.
To quote the words from the song of High School Musical 3 (yes I am quoting HSM3, a kiddy/ teenager movie)-
" Don't you see that bigger is better, and better is bigger,
A little bit is never enough
No No No
I want it all"




Arcane said...

Ok .. The lady has lost it ...
someone get her married :P

Wu said...

Hello :)
I found your blog today :) I've known you for many years now, and interestingly, your voice hasn't changed at all. Everything you wrote in your post, I could hear you say in my head :)

You've grown up and all, but through all the deep and mature words of your post, I still see that unchanged essence of who you are. It is something wonderful :)


misskays said...

Thank you SO much Sumeet!!!
and hasan!! go jump!!