Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Comiccon Experience

Confession- I have never read a Marvel comic. Yes yes I can hear the gasps.

When you say comics, Tinkle and Archies are definitely the first ones that come to my mind. In terms of superheroes, Ironman is my favourite. Robert Downey Jr converted me into a fan. In fact I watched Avengers only because of him and Mark Ruffalo.

Being the kind of person that I am, I wouldn't say that going Comiccon was a natural decision. But well, things for a happen for a reason and my cousin had some extra tickets so I went. I had no idea of what it would be like or what to expect, but that's good right? No expectations means no disappointments. That's exactly how I felt when I came out. Not disappointed at all.

The one thing that struck me was the number of stalls selling quirky merchandise. I had heard of a few like Chumbak, but I was exposed to a whole bunch of new brands. Graphicurry was one place that completely caught my attention. They truly took graphics to a different level. Lots of new gifting options were there.

I expected to see a lot of people in costumes but there weren't as many as I expected. Maybe people aren't yet ready to shed their inhibitions and be someone else for a day. Not like I went in costume to comment on that.

Watching Big Bang Theory always made me wonder what the whole hungama over Comiccon was. I never thought it would be such a huge thing here. By 1.30pm the place was super crowded and like my friend commented, "if you weren't careful, you may lose an arm". Maybe it was crowded only because of the hype around it or maybe that many people are actually into comics. I don't know.

There were families with little kids, college kids, and lots of working people who were just chilling on a weekend. I guess Comiccon gave everyone something to do besides sit in a cafe or roam in a mall. I think it sucks that there is no place to go in Bangalore that doesn't involve food. As much as I love eating, some times I would like to just get out and chill some place, and not shell out hundreds of rupees every time I do. Anyone feel the same way??

It was interesting to see how graphic novels seem to be taking the centrestage these days. We had the opportunity to witness the release of yet another graphic novel. This was on the Kauravas and well I was lucky enough to win a copy. Thank god for reading the Mahabaratha, eh.

As I type this out I just realised that I didn't see anything on Garfield or Calvin and Hobbes. No stalls selling merchandise and I am pretty sure we left no stall un-viewed. I would have thought that they are simply the most popular comic strips of the yesteryears, and even today. Who hasn't read Calvin and Hobbes and chuckled at that kid!

Overall it was an enjoyable experience. I came away with a bunch of merchandise for the sister and friends and a badge for myself that says "Everybody lies". More importantly I came with tired legs, aching shoulders and the feeling of having had a really relaxing day. Sometimes it is nice to just find the fun person in you and squeal at the idea of taking a picture with a person in costume. After all it is not everyday you get to fight with light sabers or wear coloured wigs right?

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