Saturday, November 07, 2015

#30DaysToThirty- 5 things that are not very popularly known about me

Number 1:
I hate honey, dates and raisins but I love bittergourd.
Yeah I know I am strange like that. I do have honey and lemon with hot water every morning and so I guess I am okay with honey. Thankfully I am great at swallowing capsules and I don't need to swallow honey with it. 

Number 2: 
I have a root cap. 
As a child (well more like teenager) I jumped over a wall and fell face first and it was extremely traumatic, both physically and emotionally. Ended up breaking a tooth and hence the root cap. (sure, go ahead and stare at my smile the next time you see me. I DARE YOU!)

Number 3:
Chemistry was NOT my favourite subject in school.
Contrary to popular belief (I have always wanted to use that phrase in a statement) though I am a Chemistry teacher it was never my favourite subject as a student. How am I teaching it you ask? Well it happens. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you won't be good at it. Give it a shot and you never know, you may end up excelling in it. Oh I should also mention that you need to work extra hard, but then it becomes 'your success story' and is totally worth the hard work!

Number 4:
I have had a journal since I was 13. 
Yes it is true. I have had a personal diary since I was 13 and No, I am not going to share that with any of you.I have always loved writing. It has always been therapeutic and cathartic for me and it is mine! Ever heard of personal? Well my diaries are personal.  

Number 5:
I have Road Rage.
You won't hear me use cuss words out aloud but if you could look inside my head when a person cuts in front of me without using a signal or a pedestrian crosses looking at only one side of a road, you will wonder if it is the same person. I have a dark side too and you do not want to cross my path. Literally.


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